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The Help Squad is NOT Currently
Accepting Applications for Assistance 

Get Started

Do You Need Help?
If you are experiencing a life-threatening emergency, Call 911 or
Feeling Suicidal/Mental Health Crisis, Call 988

Please call 211 or visit for Assistance in
Connecting to Community Resources

Experiencing Homelessness, Contact Strategies to End Homelessness
Hamilton County Shelter Network, (513) 381-7233

You Matter, You have Value in this Life, You are Loved
You were created in God's Image!

“I never imagined myself in this position with 5 kids and no where to turn. Thank you for being there for me and helping me through this. I have a job, daycare vouchers, food, housing and hope because you cared. I want to come back and help others who are hurting like I was…..”

Mother of a NWLSD family

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